doxygen - Example 5/6
* @file
* @copyright MyProject
* license BSD3, Apache, MIT, etc.
* @author MySelf
* @version v3.14159265359
* @date March, 2018
/// @brief Namespace brief description
namespace my_namespace {
/// @brief "Class brief description"
/// @tparam R "Class template for"
template<typename R>
class A {
* @brief "What the function does?"
* @details "Some additional details",
* Latex/MathJax: $\sqrt a$
* @tparam T Type of input and output
* @param[in] input Input array
* @param[out] output Output array
* @return `true` if correct,
* `false` otherwise
* @remark it is *useful* if ...
* @warning the behavior is **undefined** if
* @p input is `nullptr`
* @see related_function
template<typename T>
bool my_function(const T* input, T* output);
/// @brief
void related_function();