Modern C++
9. Object-Oriented
Programming II
Polymorphism and Operator Overloading
Federico Busato
Table of Contents
1 Polymorphism
C++ Mechanisms for Polymorphism
virtual Methods
Virtual Table
override Keyword
final Keyword
Common Errors
Pure Virtual Method
Abstract Class and Interface
2 Inheritance Casting and Run-time Type Identification
Table of Contents
3 Operator Overloading
Comparison Operator operator<
Spaceship Operator operator<=>
Subscript Operator operator[]
Multidimensional Subscript Operator operator[]
Function Call Operator operator()
static operator() and static operator[]
Conversion Operator operator T()
Return Type Overloading Resolution
Table of Contents
Increment and Decrement Operators operator++/–
Assignment Operator operator type=
Stream Operator operator«
Operator Notes
4 C++ Object Layout
Trivial Class
Standard-Layout Class
Plain Old Data (POD)
Polymorphism (meaning “having multiple forms”) is the capability of an entity of
mutating its behavior in accordance with the specific usage context
Polymorphism dispatch can be implemented at
Compile-time (static polymorphism): when the called instance is known
before the program start
Run-time (dynamic polymorphism): when the called instance is known only
during the execution, i.e. depends on run-time values
In C++, the term polymorphic is strongly associated with dynamic polymorphism
Function Binding
Connecting the function call to the function body is called Binding
In Early Binding or Static Binding or Compile-time Binding, the compiler identifies
the type of object at compile-time
- the program can jump directly to the function address
In Late Binding or Dynamic Binding or Run-time binding, the run-time identifies
the type of object at execution-time and then matches the function call with the
correct function definition
- the program has to read the address held in the pointer and then jump to that
address (less efficient since it involves an extra level of indirection)
C++ achieves late binding by declaring a virtual function
Polymorphism Forms
Ad-hoc polymorphism: when it involves to a set of individually specified types,
e.g. function overloading
void f(int);
void f(double);
Parametric polymorphism: when it involves generic types, e.g. templates
template<typename T>
void f(T);
Subtyping: when it operates on elements of subtypes, e.g. virtual functions
// B : A
void f(A*); // also works for B if the called function are virtual
C++ Mechanisms for Polymorphism 1/2
# define ADD(x, y) x + y // ADD(3, 4) or ADD(3.0, 4.0)
Function/Operator overloading
void f(int);
void f(double);
template<typename T>
void f(T); // f(3) or f(3.0)
Virtual functions (see next slides)
C++ Mechanisms for Polymorphism 2/2
Mechanism Implementation Form
Preprocessing static Parametric
Function/Operator overloading static Ad-hoc
Template static Parametric
Virtual function dynamic Subtyping
Dynamic Polymorphism in C++
At run-time, objects of a base class behave as objects of a derived class
A Base class may define and implement polymorphic methods, and derived
classes can override them, which means they provide their own implementations,
invoked at run-time depending on the context
struct A {
void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
void f() { cout << "B"; }
void g(A& a) { a.f(); } // accepts A and B
// note: g(B&) would only accept B
A a; B b;
g(a); // print "A"
g(b); // print "A" not "B"!!!
Polymorphism - virtual method
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
}; // now "f()" is virtual, evaluated at run-time
struct B : A {
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
// now B::f() overrides A::f(), run-time dispatch
// 'virtual void f()' is also valid
}; // 'override' is a c++11 feature, more details in the next slides
void g(A& a) { a.f(); } // accepts A and B
A a;
B b;
g(a); // print "A"
g(b); // NOW, print "B"!!!
When virtual works
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
void f(A& a) { a.f(); } // ok, print "B"
void g(A* a) { a->f(); } // ok, print "B"
void h(A a) { a.f(); } // does not work with pass-by value!! print "A"
B b;
f(b); // print "B"
g(&b); // print "B"
h(b); // print "A" (cast to A)
Polymorphism Dynamic Behavior
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
A* get_object(bool selectA) {
return (selectA) ? new A() : new B();
get_object(true)->f(); // print "A"
get_object(false)->f(); // print "B"
Virtual Table 1/2
The virtual table (vtable) is a lookup table of functions used to resolve function
calls and support dynamic dispatch (late binding)
A virtual table contains one entry for each virtual function that can be called by
objects of the class. Each entry in this table is simply a function pointer that points to
the most-derived function accessible by that class
The compiler adds a hidden pointer to the base class which points to the virtual table
for that class ( sizeof considers the vtable pointer)
Virtual Table 2/2
struct A {
virtual void f();
virtual void g();
struct B : A {
void f() override;
Does the vtable really exist? (answer: YES)
struct A {
int x = 3;
virtual void f() { cout << "abc"; }
A* a1 = new A;
A* a2 = (A*) malloc(sizeof(A));
cout << a1->x; // print "3"
cout << a2->x; // undefined value!!
a1->f(); // print "abc"
a2->f(); // segmentation fault
Lesson learned: Never use malloc in C++
Virtual Method Notes
virtual classes allocate one extra pointer (hidden)
struct A {
virtual void f1();
virtual void f2();
class B : A {};
cout << sizeof(A); // 8 bytes (vtable pointer)
cout << sizeof(B); // 8 bytes (vtable pointer)
override Keyword 1/2
override Keyword (C++11)
The override keyword ensures that the function is virtual and is overriding a
virtual function from a base class
It forces the compiler to check the base class to see if there is a virtual
function with this exact signature
override clearly expresses the intent of the function, making the code easier to
override implies virtual ( virtual should be omitted)
override Keyword 2/2
struct A {
virtual void f(int a); // a "float" value is casted to "int"
}; //
struct B : A {
void f(int a) override; // ok
void f(float a); // (still) very dangerous!!
// void f(float a) override; // compile error not safe
// void f(int a) const override; // compile error not safe
// f(3.3f) has a different behavior between A and B
final Keyword
final Keyword (C++11)
The final keyword prevents inheriting from classes or overriding methods in
derived classes
struct A {
virtual void f(int a) final; // "final" method
struct B : A {
// void f(int a); // compile error f(int) is "final"
void f(float a); // dangerous (still possible)
}; // "override" prevents these errors
struct C final { // cannot be extended
// struct D : C { // compile error C is "final"
// };
Virtual Methods (Common Error 1)
All classes with at least one virtual method should declare a virtual
struct A {
A() { cout << "A"; } // <-- here the problem (not virtual)
virtual void f(int a) {}
struct B : A {
int* array;
B() { array = new int[1000000]; }
B() { delete[] array; }
void destroy(A* a) {
delete a; // call A()
B* b = new B;
destroy(b); // without virtual, B() is not called
// destroy() prints only "A" -> huge memory leak!!
Virtual Methods (Common Error 2)
Do not call virtual methods in constructor and destructor
Constructor : The derived class is not ready until constructor is completed
Destructor : The derived class is already destroyed
struct A {
A() { f(); } // what instance is called? "B" is not ready
// it calls A::f(), even though A::f() is virtual
virtual void f() { cout << "Explosion"; }
struct B : A {
B() = default; // call A(). Note: A() may be also implicit
void f() override { cout << "Safe"; }
B b; // call B(), print "Explosion", not "Safe"!!
Virtual Methods (Common Error 3)
Do not use default parameters in virtual methods
Default parameters are not inherited
struct A {
virtual void f(int i = 5) { cout << "A::" << i << "\n"; }
virtual void g(int i = 5) { cout << "A::" << i << "\n"; }
struct B : A {
void f(int i = 3) override { cout << "B::" << i << "\n"; }
void g(int i) override { cout << "B::" << i << "\n"; }
A a; B b;
a.f(); // ok, print "A::5"
b.f(); // ok, print "B::3"
A& ab = b;
ab.f(); // !!! print "B::5" // the virtual table of A
// contains f(int i = 5) and
ab.g(); // !!! print "B::5" // g(int i = 5) but it points
// to B implementations
Pure Virtual Method 1/2
Pure Virtual Method
A pure virtual method is a function that must be implemented in derived classes
(concrete implementation)
Pure virtual functions can have or not have a body
struct A {
virtual void f() = 0; // pure virtual without body
virtual void g() = 0; // pure virtual with body
void A::g() {} // pure virtual implementation (body) for g()
struct B : A {
void f() override {} // must be implemented
void g() override {} // must be implemented
Pure Virtual Method 2/2
A class with one pure virtual function cannot be instantiated
struct A {
virtual void f() = 0;
struct B1 : A {
// virtual void f() = 0; // implicitly declared
struct B2 : A {
void f() override {}
// A a; // "A" has a pure virtual method
// B1 b1; // "B1" has a pure virtual method
B2 b2; // ok
Abstract Class and Interface
A class is interface if it has only pure virtual functions and optionally (suggested)
a virtual destructor. Interfaces do not have implementation or data
A class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function
struct A { // INTERFACE
virtual A(); // to implement
virtual void f() = 0;
struct B { // ABSTRACT CLASS
B() {} // abstract classes may have a contructor
virtual void g() = 0; // at least one pure virtual
int x; // additional data
Inheritance Casting
and Run-time Type
Hierarchy Casting
Class-casting allows implicit or explicit conversion of a class into another one across
its hierarchy
Hierarchy Casting
Upcasting Conversion between a derived class reference or pointer to a base class
- It can be implicit or explicit
- It is safe
- static_cast or dynamic_cast // see next slides
Downcasting Conversion between a base class reference or pointer to a derived class
- It is only explicit
- It can be dangerous
- static_cast or dynamic_cast
Sidecasting (Cross-cast) Conversion between a class reference or pointer to another
class of the same hierarchy level
- It is only explicit
- It can be dangerous
- dynamic_cast
Upcasting and Downcasting Example
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
int var = 3;
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
A a;
B b;
A& a1 = b; // implicit cast upcasting
static_cast<A&>(b).f(); // print "B" upcasting
static_cast<B&>(a).f(); // print "A" downcasting
cout << b.var; // print 3 (no cast)
cout << static_cast<B&>(a).var; // potential segfault!!! downcasting
// "var" does not exist in "A"
Sidecasting Example
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B1 : A {
void f() override { cout << "B1"; }
struct B2 : A {
void f() override { cout << "B2"; }
B1 b1;
B2 b2;
dynamic_cast<B2&>(b1).f(); // sidecasting, throw std::bad_cast
dynamic_cast<B1&>(b2).f(); // sidecasting, throw std::bad_cast
// static_cast<B1&>(b2).f(); // compile error
Run-time Type Identification
Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) is a mechanism that allows the type of object
to be determined at runtime
C++ expresses RTTI through three features:
dynamic_cast keyword: conversion of polymorphic types
typeid keyword: identifying the exact type of object
type_info class: type information returned by the typeid operator
RTTI is available only for classes that are polymorphic, which means they have at least
one virtual method
type_info and typeid
type_info class has the method name() which returns the name of the type
struct A {
virtual void f() {}
struct B : A {};
A a;
B b;
A& a1 = b; // implicit upcasting
cout << typeid(a).name(); // print "1A"
cout << typeid(b).name(); // print "1B"
cout << typeid(a1).name(); // print "1B"
dynamic_cast , differently from static_cast , uses RTTI for deducing the
correctness of the output type
This operation happens at run-time and it is expensive
dynamic_cast<New>(Obj) has the following properties:
Convert between a derived class Obj to a base class New upcasting.
New/Obj are both pointers or references
Throw std::bad_cast if New/Obj are references and New/Obj cannot be
Returns NULL if New/Obj are pointers and New/Obj cannot be converted
dynamic_cast Example 1
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
A a;
B b;
dynamic_cast<A&>(b).f(); // print "B" upcasting
// dynamic_cast<B&>(a).f(); // throw std::bad_cast
// wrong downcasting
dynamic_cast<B*>(&a); // returns nullptr
// wrong downcasting
dynamic_cast Example 2
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "A"; }
struct B : A {
void f() override { cout << "B"; }
A* get_object(bool selectA) {
return (selectA) ? new A() : new B();
void g(bool value) {
A* a = get_object(value);
B* b = dynamic_cast<B*>(a); // downcasting + check
if (b != nullptr)
b->f(); // exectuted only when it is safe
Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading
Operator overloading is a special case of polymorphism in which some operators
are treated as polymorphic functions and have different behaviors depending on the
type of its arguments
struct Point {
int x, y;
Point operator+(const Point& p) const {
return {x + p.x, y + p.y};
Point a{1, 2};
Point b{5, 3};
Point c = a + b; // "c" is (6, 5)
Operator Overloading
Category Operators
Arithmetic + - * / % ++
Comparison == != < <= > >= <=>
Bitwise | & ^ « »
Logical ! && ||
Compound Assignment Arithmetic += -= *= /= %=
Compound Assignment Bitwise »= «= |= &= ^=
Subscript []
Function call ()
Address-of, Reference, Dereferencing & -> ->* *
Memory new new[] delete delete[]
Comma ,
Categories not in bold are rarely used in practice
Operators that cannot be overloaded: ? . .* :: sizeof typeid
Comparison Operator operator<
Relational and comparison operators operator<, <=, ==, >= > are used for
comparing two objects
In particular, the operator< is used to determine the ordering of a set of objects
(e.g. sort)
# include <algorithm>
struct A {
int x;
bool operator<(A a) const {
return x * x < a.x * a.x;
A array[] = {5, -1, 4, -7};
std::sort(array, array + 4);
// array: {-1, 4, 5, -7}
Spaceship Operator operator<=> 1/4
C++20 allows overloading the spaceship operator <=> (also called three-way
comparison) for replacing all comparison operators operator<, <=, ==, >= >
struct A {
bool operator==(const A&) const; // *** equal comparison is special,
bool operator!=(const A&) const; // see next slides
bool operator<(const A&) const;
bool operator<=(const A&) const;
bool operator>(const A&) const;
bool operator>=(const A&) const;
// replaced by
struct B {
auto operator<=>(const B&) const;
Spaceship Operator operator<=> 2/4
struct Obj {
int x;
auto operator<=>(const Obj& other) const {
return x - other.x; // or even better "x <=> other.x"
Obj a{3};
Obj b{5};
a < b; // true, operator< is generated
(a <=> b) < 0; // true
Note: a non-defaulted operator<=> doesn’t generate the operators == and !=
(see next slide)
Looks Like a Duck, Swims Like a Duck, and Quacks Like operator==
Spaceship Operator operator<=> 3/4
The compiler can also generate the code for the spaceship operator = default , even
for multiple fields and arrays, by using the default comparison semantic of its members
struct Obj {
int x;
char y;
short z[2];
auto operator<=>(const Obj&) const = default;
// if x == other.x, then compare y
// if y == other.y, then compare z
// if z[0] == other.z[0], then compare z[1]
Obj a{3}, b{5};
a == b; // false, operator== is generated (= default)
a != b; // true, operator!= is generated (= default)
Spaceship Operator operator<=> 4/4
The spaceship operator returns one of following ordering (classes) <compare> :
std::strong_ordering If a is equivalent to b , f(a) is also equivalent to f(b)
Exactly one of < , == , or > must be true
e.g., integral types ( int , char )
std::weak_ordering If a is equivalent to b , f(a) may not be equivalent to f(b)
Exactly one of < , == , or > must be true
e.g., rectangles R{2, 5} == R{5, 2}
std::partial_ordering If a is equivalent to b , f(a) may not be equivalent to f(b)
< , == , or > may all be false
e.g., floating-point ( float with NaN )
Subscript Operator operator[]
The array subscript operator[] allows accessing to an object in an array-like fashion
The operator accepts everything as parameter, not just integers
struct A {
char permutation[] {'c', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'h', 'y'};
char& operator[](char c) { // read/write
return permutation[c - 'a'];
char operator[](char c) const { // read only
return permutation[c - 'a'];
A a;
a['d'] = 't';
Multidimensional Subscript Operator operator[]
C++23 introduces the multidimensional subscript operator and replaces the standard
behavior of the comma operator
struct A {
int operator[](int x) { return x; }
struct B {
int operator[](int x, int y) { return x * y; } // not allowed before C++23
int main() {
A a;
cout << a[3, 4]; // return 4 (bug)
B b;
cout << b[3, 4]; // return 12, C++23
Function Call Operator operator()
The function call operator operator() is generally overloaded to create objects
which behave like functions, or for classes that have a primary operation (see Basic
Concepts IV lecture)
# include <numeric> // for std::accumulate
struct Multiply {
int operator()(int a, int b) const {
return a * b;
int array[] = { 2, 3, 4 };
int factorial = std::accumulate(array, array + 3, 1, Multiply{});
cout << factorial; // 24
static operator() and static operator[]
C++23 introduces the static version of the function call operator operator()
and the subscript operator operator[] to avoid passing the this pointer
# include <numeric> // for std::accumulate
struct Multiply {
// int operator()(int a, int b); // declaration only
static int operator()(int a, int b); // best efficiency, no need to access
}; // internal data members
struct MyArray {
// int operator[](int x);
static int operator[](int x); // best efficiency
int array[] = { 2, 3, 4 };
int factorial = std::accumulate(array, array + 3, 1, Multiply{});
Conversion Operator operator T() 1/2
The conversion operator operator T() allows objects to be either implicitly or
explicitly (casting) converted to another type
class MyBool {
int x;
MyBool(int x1) : x{x1} {}
operator bool() const { // implicit return type
return x == 0;
MyBool my_bool{3};
bool b = my_bool; // b = false, call operator bool()
Conversion Operator operator T() 2/2
C++11 Conversion operators can be marked explicit to prevent implicit
conversions. It is a good practice as for class constructors
struct A {
operator bool() { return true; }
struct B {
explicit operator bool() { return true; }
A a;
B b;
bool c1 = a;
// bool c2 = b; // compile error: explicit
bool c3 = static_cast<bool>(b);
Return Type Overloading Resolution
struct A {
operator float() { return 3.0f; }
operator int() { return 2; }
auto f() {
return A{};
float x = f();
int y = f();
cout << x << " " << y; // x=3.0f, y=2
Increment and Decrement Operators operator++/–
The increment and decrement operators operator++, operator– are used to update
the value of a variable by one unit
struct A {
int* ptr;
int pos;
A& operator++() { // Prefix notation (++var):
++ptr; // returns the new copy of the object by-reference
return *this;
A operator++(int a) { // Postfix notation (var++):
A tmp = *this; // returns the old copy of the object by-value
return tmp;
Assignment Operator operator= 1/3
The assignment operator operator= is used to copy values from one object to
another already existing object
# include <algorithm> //std::fill, std::copy
struct Array {
char* array;
int size;
Array(int size1, char value) : size{size1} {
array = new char[size];
std::fill(array, array + size, value);
Array() { delete[] array; }
Array& operator=(const Array& x) { .... } // --> see next slide
Array a{5, 'o'}; // ["ooooo"]
Array b{3, 'b'}; // ["bbb"]
a = b; // a = ["bbb"] <-- goal
Assignment Operator operator= 2/3
First option:
Array& operator=(const Array& x) {
if (this == &x) // (1) Check for self assignment
return *this;
delete[] array; // (2) Release class resources
size = x.size; // (3) Re-initialize class resources
array = new int[x.size];
std::copy(x.array, x.array + size, array); // (4) deep copy
return *this;
Second option (less intuitive):
Array& operator=(Array x) { // pass by-value
swap(*this, x); // now we need a swap function for A
return *this; // x is destroyed at the end
} // --> see next slide
Assignment Operator operator=
swap method:
friend void swap(A& x, A& y) {
using std::swap;
swap(x.size, y.size);
swap(x.array, y.array);
why using std::swap ? if swap(x, y) finds a better match, it will use that
instead of std::swap
why friend ? it allows the function to be used from outside the structure/class
Stream Operator operator«
The stream operation operator« can be overloaded to perform input and output for
user-defined types
# include <iostream>
struct Point {
int x, y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const Point& point) {
stream << "(" << point.x << "," << point.y << ")";
return stream;
// operator<< is a member of std::ostream -> need friend
}; // implementation and definition can be splitted (not suggested for operator<<)
Point point{1, 2};
std::cout << point; // print "(1, 2)"
Operators Precedence
Operators preserve precedence and short-circuit properties
struct MyInt {
int x;
int operator^(int exp) { // exponential
int ret = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++)
ret *= x;
return ret;
MyInt x{3};
int y = x^2;
cout << y; // 9
int z = x^2 + 2;
cout << z; // 81 !!!
Binary Operators Note
Binary operators should be implemented as friend methods
struct A {}; struct C {};
struct B : A {
bool operator==(const A& x) { return true; }
struct D : C {
friend bool operator==(const C& x, const C& y) { return true; } // inline
// bool operator==(const C& x, const C& y) { return true; } // out-of-line
A a; B b; C c; D d;
b == a; // ok
// a == b; // compile error // "A" does not have == operator
c == d; // ok, use operator==(const C&, const C&)
d == c; // ok, use operator==(const C&, const C&)
C++ Object Layout
The term layout refers to how an object is arranged in memory
C++ defines four types of layouts:
trivial copyable
standard layout
plain-old data (POD)
Such layouts are important to understand how the C++ objects interact with pure C
API and for optimization purposes, e.g. pass in registers, memcpy , and serialization
Aggregate 1/3
An aggregate is an array, struct, or class which supports aggregate
initialization (form of list-initialization) through curly braces syntax {}
No user-provided constructors
No private / protected non- static data members and base class
No virtual functions
* No base classes, until C++17
* No brace-or-equal-initializers for non-static data members, until C++14
R Apply recursively to base classes non- static data members
No restrictions:
Non- static uninitialized (until C++14) data and function members
static data and function members
Aggregate - Examples 2/3
struct Aggregate {
int x; // ok, public member
int y[3]; // ok, arrays are also fine
int z { 3 }; // only C++14
Aggregate() = default; // ok, defaulted constructor
Aggregate& operator=(const& Aggregate); // ok, function
private: // copy-assignment
void f() {} // ok, private function
struct NotAggregate1 {
NotAggregate1(); // !! user-provided constructor
virtual void f(); // !! virtual function
class NotAggregate2 : NotAggregate1 { // !! the base class is not an aggregate
int x; // !! x is private
NotAggregate1 y; // !! y is not an aggregate (recursive property)
Aggregate - Examples 3/3
struct Aggregate1 {
int x;
struct Aggregate2 {
int a;
int b[3];
} y;
int array1[3] = {1, 2, 3};
int array2[3] {1, 2, 3};
Aggregate1 agg1 = {1, {2, {3, 4, 5}}};
Aggregate1 agg2 {1, {2, {3, 4, 5}}};
Aggregate1 agg3 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Trivial Class 1/2
Trivial Class
A Trivial Class is a class trivial copyable (supports memcpy)
Trivial copyable:
No user-provided copy/move/default constructors, destructor, and copy/move
assignment operators
No virtual functions
R Apply recursively to base classes and non- static data members
No restrictions:
User-declared constructors different from copy/move/default
Functions or static ,non- static data members initialization
protected / private members
Trivial Class - Examples 2/2
struct NonTrivial {
NonTrivial(); // !! user-provided constructor
virtual void f(); // !! virtual function
struct Trivial1 {
Trivial1() = default; // ok, defaulted constructor
Trivial1(int) {} // ok, user-default constructor
static int x; // ok, static member
void f(); // ok, function
int z { 3 } // ok, private and initialized
struct Trivial2 : Trivial1 { // ok, base class is trivial
int Trivial1[3]; // ok, array of trivials is trivial
Standard-Layout Class 1/2
A standard-layout class is a class with the same memory layout of the
equivalent C struct or union (useful for communicating with other languages)
No virtual functions
Only one control access ( public / protected / private ) for all non- static
data members
No base classes with non - static data members
No base classes of the same type as the first non- static data member
R Apply recursively to base classes and non- static data members
Standard-Layout Class (examples) 2/2
struct StandardLayout1 {
StandardLayout1(); // ok, user-provided contructor
void f(); // ok, non-virtual function
class StandardLayout2 : StandardLayout1 {
int x, y; // ok, both are private
StandardLayout1 y; // ok, 'y' is not the first data member
struct StandardLayout4 : StandardLayout1, StandardLayout2 {
// ok, can use multiple inheritance as long as only
// one class in the hierarchy has non-static data members
Plain Old Data (POD)
Plain Old Data (POD): Trivial copyable (T) + Standard-Layout (S)
(T) No user-provided copy/move/default constructors, destructor, and copy/move
assignment operators
(S) Only one control access ( public / protected / private ) for all non- static
data members
(S) No base classes with non- static data members
(S) No base classes of the same type as the first non- static data member
(T, S) No virtual functions
R Apply recursively to base classes and non- static data members
C++ std Utilities
C++11 provides three utilities to check if a type is POD, Trivial Copyable,
std::is_pod checks for POD, deprecated in C++20
std::is_trivially_copyable checks for trivial copyable
std::is_standard_layout checks for standard-layout
# include <type_traits>
struct A {
int x;
int y;
cout << std::is_trivially_copyable_v<A>; // true
cout << std::is_standard_layout_v<A>; // false
cout << std::is_pod_v<A>; // false
Object Layout Hierarchy