Modern C++
6. Basic Concepts IV
Memory Concepts
Federico Busato
Table of Contents
1 Pointers
Pointer Operations
Address-of operator &
struct Member Access
void Pointer
Pointer Conversion
Pointer Arithmetic
Wild and Dangling Pointers
Table of Contents
2 Heap and Stack
Stack Memory
new, delete
Non-Allocating Placement Allocation
Non-Throwing Allocation
Memory Leak
Table of Contents
3 Initialization
Variable Initialization
Uniform Initialization
Array Initialization
Structure Initialization
Structure Binding
Dynamic Memory Initialization
4 References
Table of Contents
5 const and Constant Expressions
Constants and Literals
if constexpr
if consteval
Table of Contents
6 volatile Keyword
7 Explicit Type Conversion
Type Punning
Uniform Initialization Conversion
Table of Contents
8 sizeof Operator
Pointers and Pointer Operations 1/3
A pointer T* is a value referring to a location in memory
Pointer Dereferencing
Pointer dereferencing (*ptr) means obtaining the value stored in at the location
referred to the pointer
Subscript Operator []
The subscript operator (ptr[]) allows accessing to the pointer element at a given
Pointers and Pointer Operations 2/3
The type of a pointer (e.g. void* ) is an unsigned integer of 32-bit/64-bit
depending on the underlying architecture
It only supports the operators +, -, ++, , comparisons
==, !=, <, <=, >, >= , subscript [] , and dereferencing *
A pointer can be explicitly converted to an integer type
void* x;
size_t y = (size_t) x; // ok (explicit conversion)
// size_t y = x; // compile error (implicit conversion)
Pointers and Pointer Operations 3/3
int* ptr1 = new int;
*ptr1 = 4; // dereferencing (assignment)
int a = *ptr1; // dereferencing (get value)
Array subscript:
int* ptr2 = new int[10];
ptr2[2] = 3;
int var = ptr2[4];
Common error:
int *ptr1, ptr2; // one pointer and one integer!!
int *ptr1, *ptr2; // ok, two pointers
Address-of operator &
The address-of operator (&) returns the address of a variable
int a = 3;
int* b = &a; // address-of operator,
// 'b' is equal to the address of 'a'
cout << *b; // print 4;
To not confuse with Reference syntax: T& var = ...
struct Member Access
The dot (.) operator is applied to local objects and references (see next slides)
The arrow operator (->) is used with a pointer to an object
struct A {
int x;
A a; // local object
a.x; // dot syntax
A* ptr = &a; // pointer
ptr->x; // arrow syntax: same of (*ptr).x
void Pointer - Generic Pointer
Instead of declaring different types of pointer variable it is possible to declare single
pointer variable which can act as any pointer types
void* can be compared
Common pointer operations are not allowed because there is no specific type pointed
cout << (sizeof(void*) == sizeof(int*)); // print true
int array[] = { 2, 3, 4 };
void* ptr;
cout << (array == ptr);
// *ptr; // compile error
// ptr + 2; // compile error
Pointer Conversion
Any pointer type can be implicitly converted to void*
Non- void pointers must be explicitly converted
static_cast (see next slides) does not allow pointer conversion for safety
reasons, except for void*
int* ptr1 = ...;
void* ptr2 = ptr1; // int* -> void*, implicit conversion
void* ptr3 = ...;
int* ptr4 = (int*) ptr3; // void* -> int, explicit conversion required
// static_cast allowed
int* ptr5 = ...;
char* ptr6 = (char*) ptr5; // int* -> char*, explicit conversion required,
// static_cast not allowed, dangerous
1 + 1 = 2 : Pointer Arithmetic 1/3
Subscript operator meaning:
ptr[i] is equal to *(ptr + i)
Note: subscript operator accepts also negative values
Pointer arithmetic rule:
address(ptr + i) = address(ptr) + (sizeof(T) * i)
where T is the type of elements pointed by ptr
int array[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
cout << array[1]; // print 2
cout << *(array + 1); // print 2
cout << array; // print 0xFFFAFFF2
cout << array + 1; // print 0xFFFAFFF6!!
int* ptr = array + 2;
cout << ptr[-1]; // print 2
1 + 1 = 2 : Pointer Arithmetic 2/3
char arr[4] = "abc"
value address
’a’ 0x0 arr[0]
’b’ 0x1 arr[1]
’c’ 0x2 arr[2]
’\0’ 0x3 arr[3]
int arr[3] = {4,5,6}
value address
0x0 arr[0]
0x4 arr[1]
0x8 arr[2]
Pointer Arithmetic - Undefined Behavior
lib/vsprintf.c of the Linux kernel
int vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, ...) {
char *end;
/* Reject out-of-range values early
Large positive sizes are used for unknown buffer sizes */
if (WARN_ON_ONCE((int) size < 0))
return 0;
end = buf + size;
/* Make sure end is always >= buf */
if (end < buf) { ... } // Even if pointers are represented with unsigned values,
... // pointer overflow is undefined behavior.
// Both GCC and Clang will simplify the overflow check
// buf + size < buf to size < 0 by eliminating
} // the common term buf
Wild and Dangling Pointers
A wild pointer is a pointer not initialized
int* ptr; // wild pointer
A dangling pointer points to a deallocated memory region
int* array = new int[10];
delete[] array; // ok -> "array" now is a dangling pointer
*array; // Potential segmentation fault
delete[] array; // double free or corruption!!
Heap and Stack
Process Address Space
higher memory
stack memory int data[10]
dynamic memory
new int[10]
BSS and Data
int data[10]
(global scope)
lower memory
Data and BSS Segment
int data[] = {1, 2}; // DATA segment memory
int big_data[1000000] = {}; // BSS segment memory
// (zero-initialized)
int main() {
int A[] = {1, 2, 3}; // stack memory
Data/BSS (Block Started by Symbol) segments are larger than stack memory (max
1GB in general) but slower
Stack and Heap Memory Overview
Stack Heap
Contiguous (LIFO)
Contiguous within an allocation,
Fragmented between allocations
(relies on virtual memory)
Max size
Small (8MB on Linux, 1MB on
Whole system memory
If exceed
Program crash at function
entry (hard to debug)
Exception or nullptr
Allocation Compile-time Run-time
Locality High Low
Thread View Each thread has its own stack Shared among threads
Stack Memory
A local variable is either in the stack memory or CPU registers
int x = 3; // not on the stack (data segment)
struct A {
int k; // depends on where the instance of A is
int main() {
int y = 3; // on stack
char z[] = "abc"; // on stack
A a; // on stack (also k)
void* ptr = malloc(4); // variable "ptr" is on the stack
The organization of the stack memory enables much higher performance. On the
other hand, this memory space is limited!!
Stack Memory Data
Types of data stored in the stack:
Local variables Variable in a local scope
Function arguments Data passed from caller to a function
Return addresses Data passed from a function to a caller
Compiler temporaries Compiler specific instructions
Interrupt contexts
Stack Memory
Every object which resides in the stack is not valid outside his scope!!
int* f() {
int array[3] = {1, 2, 3};
return array;
int* ptr = f();
cout << ptr[0]; // Illegal memory access!!
void g(bool x) {
const char* str = "abc";
if (x) {
char xyz[] = "xyz";
str = xyz;
cout << str; // if "x" is true, then Illegal memory access!!
Heap Memory - new, delete Keywords
new, delete
new/new[] and delete/delete[] are C++ keywords that perform dynamic
memory allocation/deallocation, and object construction/destruction at runtime
malloc and free are C functions and they only allocate and free memory blocks
(expressed in bytes)
new, delete Advantages
Language keywords, not functions safer
Return type: new returns exact data type, while malloc() returns void*
Failure: new throws an exception, while malloc() returns a NULL pointer it
cannot be ignored, zero-size allocations do not need special code
Allocation size: The number of bytes is calculated by the compiler with the new
keyword, while the user must take care of manually calculate the size for
Initialization: new can be used to initialize besides allocate
Polymorphism: objects with virtual functions must be allocated with new to
initialize the virtual table pointer
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Allocate a single element
int* value = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); // C
int* value = new int; // C++
Allocate N elements
int* array = (int*) malloc(N * sizeof(int)); // C
int* array = new int[N]; // C++
Allocate N structures
MyStruct* array = (MyStruct*) malloc(N * sizeof(MyStruct)); // C
MyStruct* array = new MyStruct[N]; // C++
Allocate and zero-initialize N elements
int* array = (int*) calloc(N, sizeof(int)); // C
int* array = new int[N](); // C++
Dynamic Memory Deallocation
Deallocate a single element
int* value = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); // C
int* value = new int; // C++
delete value;
Deallocate N elements
int* value = (int*) malloc(N * sizeof(int)); // C
int* value = new int[N]; // C++
delete[] value;
Allocation/Deallocation Properties
Fundamental properties:
Each object allocated with malloc() must be deallocated with free()
Each object allocated with new must be deallocated with delete
Each object allocated with new[] must be deallocated with delete[]
malloc() , new , new[] never produce NULL pointer in the success case,
except for zero-size allocations (implementation-defined)
free() , delete , and delete[] applied to NULL / nullptr pointers do not
produce errors
Mixing new , new[] , malloc with something different from their counterparts leads
to undefined behavior
2D Memory Allocation 1/2
Easy on the stack - dimensions known at compile-time:
int A[3][4]; // C/C++ uses row-major order: move on row elements, then columns
Dynamic Memory 2D allocation/deallocation - dimensions known at run-time:
int** A = new int*[3]; // array of pointers allocation
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
A[i] = new int[4]; // inner array allocations
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
delete[] A[i]; // inner array deallocations
delete[] A; // array of pointers deallocation
2D Memory Allocation
Dynamic memory 2D allocation/deallocation C++11:
auto A = new int[3][4]; // allocate 3 objects of type int[4]
int n = 3; // dynamic value
auto B = new int[n][4]; // ok
// auto C = new int[n][n]; // compile error
delete[] A; // same for B, C
Non-Allocating Placement
A non-allocating placement (ptr) type allows to explicitly specify the memory
location (previously allocated) of individual objects
char buffer[8];
int* x = new (buffer) int;
short* y = new (x + 1) short[2];
// no need to deallocate x, y
unsigned* buffer2 = new unsigned[2];
double* z = new (buffer2) double;
delete[] buffer2; // ok
// delete[] z; // ok, but bad practice
Non-Allocating Placement and Objects
Placement allocation of non-trivial objects requires to explicitly call the object
destructor as the runtime is not able to detect when the object is out-of-scope
struct A {
A() { cout << "destructor"; }
char buffer[10];
auto x = new (buffer) A();
// delete x; // runtime error 'x' is not a valid heap memory pointer
x->A(); // print "destructor"
C++23 introduces a type safe placement allocation function
Non-Throwing Allocation
The new operator allows a non-throwing allocation by passing the std::nothrow
object. It returns a NULL pointer instead of throwing std::bad_alloc exception if
the memory allocation fails
int* array = new (std::nothrow) int[very_large_size];
note: new can return NULL pointer even if the allocated size is 0
std::nothrow doesn’t mean that the allocated object(s) cannot throw an exception
struct A {
A() { throw std::runtime_error{}; }
A* array = new (std::nothrow) A; // throw std::runtime_error
Memory Leak
Memory Leak
A memory leak is a dynamically allocated entity in the heap memory that is
no longer used by the program, but still maintained overall its execution
Illegal memory accesses segmentation fault/wrong results
Undefined values a their propagation segmentation fault/wrong results
Additional memory consumption (potential segmentation fault)
int main() {
int* array = new int[10];
array = nullptr; // memory leak!!
} // the memory can no longer be deallocated!!
Note: the memory leaks are especially difficult to detect in complex code and when objects are
widely used
Dynamic Memory Allocation and OS
A program does not directly allocate memory itself but, it asks for a chuck of memory
from the OS. The OS provides the memory at the granularity of memory pages (virtual
memory), e.g. 4KB on Linux
Implication: out-of-bound accesses do not always lead to segmentation fault (lucky
case). The worst case is an execution with undefined behavior
int* x = new int;
int num_iters = 4096 / sizeof(int); // 4 KB
for (int i = 0; i < num_iters; i++)
x[i] = 1; // potential segmentation fault
Variable Initialization
int a1; // default initialization (undefined value)
int a2(2); // direct (or value) initialization
int a3(0); // direct (or value) initialization (zero-initialization)
// int a4(); // a4 is a function
int a5 = 2; // copy initialization
int a6 = 2u; // copy initialization (+ implicit conversion)
int a7 = int(2); // copy initialization
int a8 = int(); // copy initialization (zero-initialization)
int a9 = {2}; // copy list initialization, brace-initialization/braced-init-list syntax
Uniform Initialization
C++11 Uniform Initialization syntax allows to initialize different entities
(variables, objects, structures, etc.) in a consistent way with brace-initialization or
braced-init-list syntax:
int b1{2}; // direct list (or value) initialization
int b2{}; // direct list (or value) initialization (default constructor/
// zero-initialization)
int b3 = int{}; // copy initialization (default constr./zero-initialization)
int b4 = int{4}; // copy initialization
int b5 = {}; // copy list initialization (default constr./zero-initialization)
Brace Initialization Advantages
The uniform initialization can be also used to safely convert arithmetic types,
preventing implicit narrowing, i.e potential value loss. The syntax is also more concise
than modern casts
int b4 = -1; // ok
int b5{-1}; // ok
unsigned b6 = -1; // ok
//unsigned b7{-1}; // compile error
float f1{10e30}; // ok
float f2 = 10e40; // ok, "inf" value
//float f3{10e40}; // compile error
Array Initialization 1/2
Arrays are aggregate types and can be initialized with brace-initialization syntax, also
called braced-init-list or aggregate-initialization
One dimension:
int a[3] = {1, 2, 3}; // explicit size
int b[] = {1, 2, 3}; // implicit size
char c[] = "abcd"; // implicit size
int d[3] = {1, 2}; // d[2] = 0 -> zero/default value
int e[4] = {0}; // all values are initialized to 0
int f[3] = {}; //
all values are initialized to 0 (C++11)
int g[3] {}; // all values are initialized to 0 (C++11)
Array Initialization 2/2
Two dimensions:
int a[][2] = { {1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6} }; // ok
int b[][2] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; // ok
// the type of "a" and "b" is an array of type int[]
// int c[][] = ...; // compile error
// int d[2][] = ...; // compile error
Structure Initialization - C++03 1/4
Structures are also aggregate types and can be initialized with brace-initialization
syntax, also called braced-init-list or aggregate-initialization
struct S {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
S s1; // default initialization, x,y undefined values
S s2 = {}; // copy list initialization, x,y default constr./zero-init
S s3 = {1, 2}; // copy list initialization, x=1, y=2
S s4 = {1}; // copy list initialization, x=1, y default constr./zero-init
//S s5(3, 5); // compiler error, constructor not found
S f() {
S s6 = {1, 2}; // verbose
return s6;
Structure Initialization - C++11 2/4
struct S {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
void* ptr;
S s1{}; // direct list (or value) initialization
// x,y,ptr default constr./zero-initialization
S s2{1, 2}; // direct list (or value) initialization
// x=1, y=2, ptr default constr./zero-initialization
// S s3{1, -2}; // compile error, narrowing conversion
S f() { return {3, 2}; } // non-verbose
Structure Initialization - Brace or Equal Initialization 3/4
Non-Static Data Member Initialization (NSDMI) , also called brace or equal
struct S1 {
unsigned x = 3; // equal initialization
unsigned y = 2; // equal initialization
// auto z = 3; // auto is not allowed for non-static member variables
struct S2 {
unsigned x {3}; // brace initialization
S1 s1; // call the default constructor (x=3, y=2)
S1 s2{}; // call the default constructor (x=3, y=2)
S1 s3{1, 4}; // set x=1, y=4
S2 s4; // call the default constructor (x=3)
S2 s5{5}; // set x=5
Structure Initialization - Designated Initializer List 4/4
C++20 introduces the designated initializer list
struct A {
int x, y, z;
A a1{1, 2, 3}; // is the same of
A a2{.x = 1, .y = 2, .z = 3}; // designated initializer list
Designated initializer list can be very useful for improving code readability
void f1(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e) {}
// long list of the same data type -> error-prone
struct B {
bool a, b, c, d, e;
}; // f2(B b)
f2({.a = true, .c = true}); // b, d, e = false
Structure Binding
Structure Binding declaration C++17 binds the specified names to elements of
struct A {
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
} a;
A f() { return A{4, 5}; }
// Case (1): struct
auto [x1, y1] = a; // x1=1, y1=2
auto [x2, y2] = f(); // x2=4, y2=5
int b[2] = {1,2}; // Case (2): raw arrays
auto [x3, y3] = b; // x3=1, y3=2
auto [x4, y4] = std::tuple<float, int>{3.0f, 2}; // Case (3): tuples
// constexpr auto [x1, y1] = a; // constexpr structure binding is not allowed
// because it relies on references
Dynamic Memory Initialization
Dynamic memory initialization applies the same rules of the object that is allocated
int* a1 = new int; // undefined
int* a2 = new int(); // zero-initialization, call "= int()"
int* a3 = new int(4); // allocate a single value equal to 4
int* a4 = new int[4]; // allocate 4 elements with undefined values
int* a5 = new int[4](); // allocate 4 elements zero-initialized, call "= int()"
// int* a6 = new int[4](3); // not valid
int* b1 = new int[4]{}; // allocate 4 elements zero-initialized, call "= int{}"
int* b2 = new int[4]{1, 2}; // set first, second, zero-initialized
Initialization - Undefined Behavior Example
lib/libc/stdlib/rand.c of the FreeBSD libc
struct timeval tv;
unsigned long junk; // not initialized, undefined value
/* XXX left uninitialized on purpose */
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
srandom((getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ junk);
// A compiler can assign any value not only to the variable,
// but also to expressions derived from the variable
// GCC assigns junk to a register. Clang further eliminates computation
// derived from junk completely, and generates code that does not use
// either gettimeofday or getpid
Reference 1/2
A variable reference T& is an alias, namely another name for an already existing
variable. Both variable and variable reference can be applied to refer the value of the
A pointer has its own memory address and size on the stack, reference shares the
same memory address (with the original variable)
The compiler can internally implement references as pointers, but treats them in a
very different way
Reference 2/2
References are safer than pointers:
References cannot have NULL value. You must always be able to assume that a
reference is connected to a legitimate storage
References cannot be changed. Once a reference is initialized to an object, it
cannot be changed to refer to another object
(Pointers can be pointed to another object at any time)
References must be initialized when they are created
(Pointers can be initialized at any time)
Reference - Examples
Reference syntax: T& var = ...
//int& a; // compile error no initialization
//int& b = 3; // compile error "3" is not a variable
int c = 2;
int& d = c; // reference. ok valid initialization
int& e = d; // ok. the reference of a reference is a reference
++d; // increment
++e; // increment
cout << c; // print 4
int a = 3;
int* b = &a; // pointer
int* c = &a; // pointer
++b; // change the value of the pointer 'b'
++*c; // change the value of 'a' (a = 4)
int& d = a; // reference
++d; // change the value of 'a' (a = 5)
Reference - Function Arguments 1/2
Reference vs. pointer arguments:
void f(int* value) {} // value may be a nullptr
void g(int& value) {} // value is never a nullptr
int a = 3;
f(&a); // ok
f(0); // dangerous but it works!! (but not with other numbers)
//f(a); // compile error "a" is not a pointer
g(a); // ok
//g(3); // compile error "3" is not a reference of something
//g(&a); // compile error "&a" is not a reference
Reference - Function Arguments 2/2
References can be use to indicate fixed size arrays:
void f(int (&array)[3]) { // accepts only arrays of size 3
cout << sizeof(array);
void g(int array[]) {
cout << sizeof(array); // any surprise?
int A[3], B[4];
int* C = A;
f(A); // ok
// f(B); // compile error B has size 4
// f(C); // compile error C is a pointer
g(A); // ok
g(B); // ok
g(C); // ok
Reference - Arrays
int A[4];
int (&B)[4] = A; // ok, reference to array
int C[10][3];
int (&D)[10][3] = C; // ok, reference to 2D array
auto c = new int[3][4]; // type is int (*)[4]
// read as "pointer to arrays of 4 int"
// int (&d)[3][4] = c; // compile error
// int (*e)[3] = c; // compile error
int (*f)[4] = c; // ok
int array[4];
// &array is a pointer to an array of size 4
int size1 = (&array)[1] - array;
int size2 = *(&array + 1) - array;
cout << size1; // print 4
cout << size2; // print 4
see also
const and Constant
Constants and Literals
A constant expression is an expression that can be evaluated at compile-time
A literal is a fixed value that can be assigned to a constant
formally, “Literals are the tokens of a C++ program that represent constant values
embedded in the source code”
Literal types:
Concrete values of the scalar types bool , char , int , float , double , e.g.
true , ‘a’ , 3 , 2.0f
String literal of type const char[] , e.g "literal"
User-defined literals, e.g. 2s
const Keyword
const keyword
The const keyword declares an object that never changes value after the
initialization. A const variable must be initialized when declared
A const variable is evaluated at compile-time value if the right expression is also
evaluated at compile-time
int size = 3; // 'size' is dynamic
int A[size] = {1, 2, 3}; // technically possible but, variable size stack array
// are considered BAD programming
const int SIZE = 3;
// SIZE = 4; // compile error, SIZE is const
int B[SIZE] = {1, 2, 3}; // ok
const int size2 = size; // 'size2' is dynamic
const Keyword and Pointers 1/3
int* const int*
const int*
void read(const int* array) {} // the values of 'array' cannot be modified
void write(int* array) {}
int* ptr = new int;
const int* const_ptr = new int;
read(ptr); // ok
write(ptr); // ok
read(const_ptr); // ok
// write(const_ptr); // compile error
const Keyword and Pointers 2/3
int* pointer to int
- The value of the pointer can be modified
- The elements referred by the pointer can be modified
const int* pointer to const int. Read as (const int)*
- The value of the pointer can be modified
- The elements referred by the pointer cannot be modified
int *const const pointer to int
- The value of the pointer cannot be modified
- The elements referred by the pointer can be modified
const int *const const pointer to const int
- The value of the pointer cannot be modified
- The elements referred by the pointer cannot be modified
Note: const int* (West notation) is equal to int const* (East notation)
Tip: pointer types should be read from right to left
const Keyword and Pointers
Common error: adding const to a pointer is not the same as adding const to a
type alias of a pointer
using ptr_t = int*;
using const_ptr_t = const int*;
void f1(const int* ptr) { // read as '(const int)*'
// ptr[0] = 0; // not allowed: pointer to const objects
ptr = nullptr; // allowed
void f2(const_ptr_t ptr) {} // same as before
void f3(const ptr_t ptr) { // warning!! equal to 'int* const'
ptr[0] = 0; // allowed!!
// ptr = nullptr; // not allowed: const pointer to modifiable objects
constexpr Keyword
constexpr (C++11)
constexpr specifier declares an expression that can be evaluated at
constexpr can improve performance and memory usage
constexpr can potentially impact the compilation time
constexpr Variable
constexpr Variable
constexpr variables are always evaluated at compile-time
const guarantees the value of a variable cannot change after the initialization
constexpr implies const
const int v1 = 3; // compile-time evaluation
const int v2 = v1 * 2; // compile-time evaluation
int a = 3; // "a" is dynamic
const int v3 = a; // run-time evaluation!!
constexpr int c1 = v1; // ok
// constexpr int c2 = v3; // compile error, "v3" is a run-time variable
constexpr Function 1/4
constexpr Function
constexpr guarantees compile-time evaluation of a function as long as all its
arguments are evaluated at compile-time
constexpr int square(int value) {
return value * value;
square(4); // compile-time evaluation, '4' is a literal
int a = 4; // "a" is dynamic
square(a); // run-time evaluation
C++11: must contain exactly one return statement, and no loops or switch
C++14: no restrictions
constexpr Function - Constraints 2/4
A constexpr function is always evaluated at run-time if:
contains run-time arguments with a lifetime that begins with the expression, even
if the function doesn’t depend on them
constexpr int f(int v) { return 3; }
constexpr int g(int& v) { return 3; }
int v = ...
f(v); // run-time evaluation
g(v); // compile-time evaluation lifetime of 'v' began outside the expression
contains run-time functions, namely non- constexpr functions
(detected with -Winvalid-constexpr )
contains references to run-time global variables
constexpr Function - Limitations
cannot contain run-time features such as exceptions and RTTI
cannot contain assert() until C++14
cannot be a virtual member function or a destructor T until C++20
cannot contain or try-catch blocks or asm statements until C++20
cannot contain static variables or goto until C++23
undefined behavior code is not allowed, e.g. reinterpret_cast , unsafe usage
of union , signed integer overflow, etc.
constexpr Function - Limitations
constexpr non-static member functions of run-time objects cannot be used at
compile-time if they contain data members or non-compile-time functions
Note: static constexpr member functions don’t present this issue because they don’t
depend on a specific instance
struct A {
int v = 3;
constexpr int f() const { return v; }
static constexpr int g() { return 3; }
A a1;
// constexpr int x = a1.f(); // compile error, f() is evaluated at run-time
constexpr int y = a1.g(); // ok, same as 'A::g()'
constexpr A a2;
constexpr int x = a2.f(); // ok
consteval Keyword
consteval (C++20)
consteval , or immediate function, guarantees compile-time evaluation.
A run-time value always produces a compile error
consteval int square(int value) {
return value * value;
square(4); // compile-time evaluation
int v = 4; // "v" is at run-time
// square(v); // compile error
constinit Keyword
constinit (C++20)
constinit guarantees compile-time initialization of a variable. A run-time
initialization value always produces a compile error
The value of a variable can change during the execution
const constinit does not imply constexpr , while the opposite is true
constexpr int square(int value) {
return value * value;
constinit int v1 = square(4); // compile-time evaluation
v1 = 3; // ok, v1 can change
int a = 4; // "v" is dynamic
// constinit int v2 = square(a); // compile error
if constexpr
if constexpr C++17 allows to conditionally compile code based on a
compile-time predicate
The if constexpr statement forces the compiler to evaluate the branch at
compile-time (similarly to the #if preprocessor)
auto f() {
if constexpr (sizeof(void*) == 8)
return "hello"; // const char*
return 3; // int, never compiled
Note: Ternary (conditional) operator does not provide constexpr variant
if constexpr Example
constexpr int fib(int n) {
return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 1 : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
int main() {
if constexpr (sizeof(void*) == 8)
return fib(5);
return fib(3);
Generated assembly code (x64 OS):
mov eax, 8
Advanced example: C++17 Compile-time Quick-Sort
if constexpr Pitfalls
if constexpr only works with explicit if/else statements
auto f1() {
if constexpr (my_constexpr_fun() == 1)
return 1;
// return 2.0; compile error // this is not part of constexpr
else if branch requires constexpr
auto f2() {
if constexpr (my_constexpr_fun() == 1)
return 1;
else if (my_constexpr_fun() == 2) // -> else if constexpr
// return 2.0; compile error // this is not part of constexpr
return 3L;
C++20 provides std::is_constant_evaluated() utility to evaluate if the
current function is evaluated at compile time
#include <type_traits> // std::is_constant_evaluated
constexpr int f(int n) {
if (std::is_constant_evaluated())
return 0;
return 4;
f(3); // return 0
int v = 3;
f(v); // return = 4
if consteval 1/2
std::is_constant_evaluated() has two problems that if consteval C++23
(1) Calling a consteval function cannot be used within a constexpr function if it
is called with a run-time parameter
consteval int g(int n) { return n * 3; }
constexpr int f(int n) {
if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) // it works with if consteval
return g(n);
return 4;
// f(3); compiler error
if consteval 2/2
(2) if constexpr (std::is_constant_evaluated()) is a bug because it is
always evaluated to true
constexpr int f(int x) {
if constexpr (std::is_constant_evaluated()) // if consteval avoids this error
return 3;
return 4;
constexpr int g(int x) {
if consteval {
return 3;
return 4;
volatile Keyword
volatile Keyword
volatile is a hint to the compiler to avoid aggressive memory optimizations
involving a pointer or an object
Use cases:
Low-level programming: driver development, interaction with assembly, etc.
(force writing to a specific memory location)
Multi-thread program: variables shared between threads/processes to
communicate (don’t optimize, delay variable update)
Benchmarking: some operations need to not be optimized away
Note: volatile reads/writes can still be reordered with respect to non-volatile ones
volatile Keyword - Example
The following code compiled with -O3 (full optimization) and without volatile
could work fine
volatile int* ptr = new int[1]; // actual alloction size is much
int pos = 128 * 1024 / sizeof(int); // larger, typically 128 KB
ptr[pos] = 4; //
volatile Deprecation
C++20 deprecates volatile outside single load and store operations
volatile int v = 3;
auto v1 = v + 4; // ok, one load
v = 4; // ok, one store
v += 4; // deprecated, load + store
volatile int f() {} // deprecated, volatile return value
void g1(volatile int) {} // deprecated, volatile argument
void g2(volatile int*) {} // ok
struct A {
volatile int x = 4; // deprecated, volatile data member
Explicit Type
static_cast 1/3
static_cast converts between types and performs compile-time (not run-time) type
It is equivalent to the old style cast (T) var or T(var) for value semantic
int a = 6;
short b1 = (short) a; // the compiler can issue a warning without
short b2 = short(a); // explicit cast
short b3 = static_cast<short>(a);
long c = a; // not needed
static_cast 2/3
static_cast prevents accidental/unsafe conversions between pointer types,
especially across classes in a hierarchy
char* a = new char[4]{1, 2, 3, 4};
int* b = (int*) a; // ok
cout << b[0]; // print 67305985, not 1!!
//int* c = static_cast<int*>(a); // compile error unsafe conversion
static_cast also prevents accidental/unsafe const conversions
const char* a = new char;
char* b = (char*) a; // ok
//char* c = static_cast<char*>(a); // compile error unsafe conversion
static_cast 3/3
static_cast prevents accidental/unsafe conversions between unrelated classes
struct A {};
struct B : A {};
struct C {};
A a;
B b;
auto x1 = (A&) b; // ok
auto x2 = (C&) a; // ok
auto x3 = (C*) &a; // ok
auto x4 = static_cast<A&>(b); // ok
//auto x5 = static_cast<C&>(a); // compile error unsafe conversion
//auto x6 = static_cast<C*>(&a); // compile error unsafe conversion
Note: (T&) v is equal to *((T*) &v)
const_cast can add or cast away (remove) constness or volatility
const int* ptr = new int[4];
auto x1 = (int*) ptr ; // ok
auto x2 = (char*) ptr; // ok
auto x3 = const_cast<int*>(ptr); // ok
//auto x4 = const_cast<char*>(ptr); // compile error unsafe conversion
const int a = 5;
const_cast<int>(a) = 3; // ok, but undefined behavior
int b = 5;
const_cast<volatile int>(b) = 3; // ok
reinterpret_cast allows a subset of unsafe conversion:
between pointers/references of different type with same constness
between pointers and integer types
float b = 3.0f; // bits: 01000000010000000000000000000000
int c = reinterpret_cast<int&>(b); // bits: 01000000010000000000000000000000
const int* ptr = new int;
//reinterpret_cast<int*>(ptr); // compile error
uintptr_t my_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr); // ok
int a[3][4];
int (&b)[2][6] = reinterpret_cast<int (&)[2][6]>(a);
int (*c)[6] = reinterpret_cast<int (*)[6]>(a);
Type Punning 1/2
Pointer Aliasing
One pointer aliases another when they both point to the same memory location
Type Punning
Type punning refers to circumvent the type system of a programming language to
achieve an effect that would be difficult or impossible to achieve within the bounds of
the formal language
The compiler assumes that the strict aliasing rule is never violated: Accessing a value
using a type which is different from the original one is not allowed and it is classified as
undefined behavior
Type Punning 2/2
// slow without optimizations. The branch breaks the CPU instruction pipeline
float abs(float x) {
return (x < 0.0f) ? -x : x;
// optimized with bitwise operation
float abs(float x) {
unsigned uvalue = reinterpret_cast<unsigned&>(x);
unsigned tmp = uvalue & 0x7FFFFFFF; // clear the last bit
return reinterpret_cast<float&>(tmp);
// this is undefined behavior!!
GCC warning (not clang): -Wstrict-aliasing
What is the Strict Aliasing Rule and Why do we care?
Type Punning In C++17
The right way to avoid undefined behavior is by using memcpy
#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
float v1 = 32.3f;
unsigned v2;
std::memcpy(&v2, &v1, sizeof(float));
Problems: memcpy is unsafe if the variables have not the same size or are not trivially
copyable. Also, it doesn’t work at compile-time ( constexpr )
C++20 std::bit_cast provides a safe alternative to reinterpret_cast and
memcpy that also works at compile-time
#include <bit> // std::bit_cast
constexpr float v1 = 32.3f;
constexpr unsigned v2 = std::bit_cast<unsigned>(v1);
Uniform Initialization Conversion
A narrowing conversion occurs when the destination type may not be able to
represent all the values of the source type
Brace initialization {} C++11 disallows narrowing conversions
int a = 3;
long long x1{a}; // ok
//unsigned x2{a}; // compile error, 'a' could be negative
//float x3{a}; // compile error, 'a' could not be representable with float
double b = 3;
//long long x4{b}; // compile error, 'b' could be a number with decimals
//float x5{b}; // compile error, 'b' could not be representable with float
gcc issues a warning instead of a compile error for run-time narrowing conversions
Uniform Initialization Conversion
constexpr int c = 3;
unsigned x6{c}; // ok
constexpr int d = -1;
unsigned x7{d}; // compile error, 'd' is negative
constexpr float e = 4;
//int x8{e}; // compile error, 'float' cannot be narrowed to 'int'
constexpr double f = std::numbers::pi_v<double>; // π, C++20 <numbers>
float x9{f}; // ok
constexpr double g = 1e+40;
//float x10{g}; // compile error, too large for 'float'
The Guidelines Support Library (GSL) contains functions and types that are
suggested for use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++
GLS offers narrow_cast operation for specifying that narrowing is acceptable and a
narrow (“narrow if”) that throws an exception if a narrowing would throw away legal
# include <gsl/gsl>
double a = 1.1;
int x1 = gsl::narrow_cast<int>(d); // ok, explicit narrowing: 'a' becomes 1
int x2 = gsl::narrow<int>(d); // ok, throws 'narrowing_error'
sizeof Operator
sizeof operator
The sizeof is a compile-time operator that determines the size, in bytes, of a
variable or data type
sizeof returns a value of type size_t
sizeof(anything) never returns 0 (*except for arrays of size 0)
sizeof(char) always returns 1
When applied to structures, it also takes into account the internal padding
When applied to a reference, the result is the size of the referenced type
sizeof(incomplete type) produces compile error, e.g. void
sizeof(bitfield member) produces compile error
* gcc allows array of size 0 (not allowed by the C++ standard)
sizeof - Pointer 1/5
sizeof(int); // 4 bytes
sizeof(int*) // 8 bytes on a 64-bit OS
sizeof(void*) // 8 bytes on a 64-bit OS
sizeof(size_t) // 8 bytes on a 64-bit OS
int f(int array[]) { // dangerous!!
cout << sizeof(array);
int array1[10];
int* array2 = new int[10];
cout << sizeof(array1); // sizeof(int) * 10 = 40 bytes
cout << sizeof(array2); // sizeof(int*) = 8 bytes
f(array1); // 8 bytes (64-bit OS)
sizeof - struct 2/5
struct A {
int x; // 4-byte alignment
char y; // offset 4
sizeof(A); // 8 bytes: 4 + 1 (+ 3 padding), must be aligned to its largest member
struct B {
int x; // offset 0 -> 4-byte alignment
char y; // offset 4 -> 1-byte alignment
short z; // offset 6 -> 2-byte alignment
sizeof(B); // 8 bytes : 4 + 1 (+ 1 padding) + 2
struct C {
short z; // offset 0 -> 2-byte alignment
int x; // offset 4 -> 4-byte alignment
char y; // offset 8 -> 1-byte alignment
sizeof(C); // 12 bytes : 2 (+ 2 padding) + 4 + 1 + (+ 3 padding)
sizeof - Reference and Array 3/5
char a;
char& b = a;
sizeof(&a); // 8 bytes in a 64-bit OS (pointer)
sizeof(b); // 1 byte, equal to sizeof(char)
// NOTE: a reference is not a pointer
struct S1 {
void* p;
sizeof(S1); // 8 bytes
struct S2 {
char& c;
sizeof(S2); // 8 bytes, same as sizeof(void*)
sizeof(S2{}.c); // 1 byte
sizeof - Special Cases 4/5
struct A {};
sizeof(A); // 1 : sizeof never return 0
A array1[10];
sizeof(array1); // 10 : array of empty structures
int array2[0]; // C++ doesn't allow array of size 0, as opposed to C
// only gcc, compiler error for other compilers
sizeof(array2); // 0 : special case
[[no_unique_address]] 5/5
C++20 [[no_unique_address]] allows a structure member to be overlapped with
other data members of a different type
struct Empty {}; // empty class, sizeof(Empty) == 1
struct A { // sizeof(A) == 8 (4 + 1 + 3 for padding)
int i;
Empty e;
struct B { // sizeof(B) == 4, 'e' overlaps with 'i'
int i;
[[no_unique_address]] Empty e;
Notes: [[no_unique_address]] is ignored by MSVC even in C++20 mode;
instead, [[msvc::no_unique_address]] is provided
sizeof and Size of a Byte
Interesting: C++ does not explicitly define the size of a byte (see Exotic
architectures the standards committees care about)