Modern C++
5. Basic Concepts III
Entities and Control Flow
Federico Busato
Table of Contents
1 Entities
2 Declaration and Definition
3 Enumerators
4 struct, Bitfield, and union
Anonymous and Unnamed struct
Table of Contents
5 Control Flow
if Statement
for and while Loops
Range-based for Loop
Avoid Unused Variable Warning
Table of Contents
6 Namespace
Explicit Global Namespace
Namespace Alias
using namespace-Directive
inline Namespace
Table of Contents
7 Attributes
A C++ program is set of language-specific keywords (for, if, new, true, etc.),
identifiers (symbols for variables, functions, structures, namespaces, etc.), expressions
defined as sequence of operators, and literals (constant value tokens)
C++ Entity
An entity is a value, object, reference, function, enumerator, type, class member, or
Identifiers and user-defined operators are the names used to refer to entities
Entities also captures the result(s) of an expression
Preprocessor macros are not C++ entities
Declaration and
A declaration (or prototype) introduces an entity with an identifier describing its
type and properties
A declaration is what the compiler and the linker needs to accept references (usage) to
that identifier
Entities can be declared multiple times. All declarations are the same
An entity definition is the implementation of a declaration. It defines the properties
and the behavior of the entity
For each entity, only a single definition is allowed
Declaration/Definition Function Example
void f(int a, char* b); // function declaration
void f(int a, char*) { // function definition
... // "b" can be omitted if not used
void f(int a, char* b); // function declaration
// multiple declarations is valid
f(3, "abc"); // usage
void g(); // function declaration
g(); // linking error "g" is not defined
Declaration/Definition struct Example
A declaration without a concrete implementation is an incomplete type (as void )
struct A; // declaration 1
struct A; // declaration 2 (ok)
struct B { // declaration and definition
int b;
// A x; // compile error incomplete type
A* y; // ok, pointer to incomplete type
struct A { // definition
char c;
Enumerator - enum
An enumerator enum is a data type that groups a set of named integral constants
enum color_t { BLACK, BLUE, GREEN };
color_t color = BLUE;
cout << (color == BLACK); // print false
The problem:
enum color_t { BLACK, BLUE, GREEN };
enum fruit_t { APPLE, CHERRY };
color_t color = BLACK; // int: 0
fruit_t fruit = APPLE; // int: 0
bool b = (color == fruit); // print 'true'!!
// and, most importantly, does the match between a color and
// a fruit make any sense?
Strongly Typed Enumerator - enum class
enum class (C++11)
enum class (scoped enum) data type is a type safe enumerator that is not implicitly
convertible to int
enum class Color { BLACK, BLUE, GREEN };
enum class Fruit { APPLE, CHERRY };
Color color = Color::BLUE;
Fruit fruit = Fruit::APPLE;
// bool b = (color == fruit) compile error we are trying to match colors with fruits
// BUT, they are different things entirely
// int a1 = Color::GREEN; compile error
// int a2 = Color::RED + Color::GREEN; compile error
int a3 = (int) Color::GREEN; // ok, explicit conversion
enum/enum class Features
enum/enum class can be compared
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
cout << (Color::RED < Color::GREEN); // print true
enum/enum class are automatically enumerated in increasing order
enum class Color { RED, GREEN = -1, BLUE, BLACK };
// (0) (-1) (0) (1)
Color::RED == Color::BLUE; // true
enum/enum class can contain alias
enum class Device { PC = 0, COMPUTER = 0, PRINTER };
C++11 enum/enum class allows setting the underlying type
enum class Color : int8_t { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
enum class Features - C++17
C++17 enum class supports direct-list-initialization
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
Color a{2}; // ok, equal to Color:BLUE
C++17 enum/enum class support attributes
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE [[deprecated]] };
auto x = Color::BLUE; // compiler warning
enum class Features - C++20
C++20 allows introducing the enumerator identifiers into the local scope to
decrease the verbosity
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
switch (x) {
using enum Color; // C++20
case RED:
case GREEN:
case BLUE:
The same behavior can be emulated in older C++ versions with
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
constexpr auto RED = Color::RED;
enum/enum class - Common Errors
enum/enum class should be always initialized
enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
Color my_color; // "my_color" may be outside RED, GREEN, BLUE!!
C++17 Cast from out-of-range values respect to the underlying type of
enum/enum class leads to undefined behavior
enum Color : uint8_t { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
Color value = 256; // undefined behavior
enum/enum class and constexpr
C++17 constexpr expressions don’t allow out-of-range values for (only) enum
without explicit underlying type
enum Color { RED };
enum Fruit : int { APPLE };
enum class Device { PC };
// constexpr Color a1 = (Color) -1; compile error
const Color a2 = (Color) -1; // ok
constexpr Fruit a3 = (Fruit) -1; // ok
constexpr Device a4 = (Device) -1; // ok
Construction Rules for enum class Values
struct, Bitfield, and
struct 1/2
A struct (structure) aggregates different variables into a single unit
struct A {
int x;
char y;
It is possible to declare one or more variables after the definition of a struct
struct A {
int x;
} a, b;
Enumerators can be declared within a struct without a name
struct A {
enum {X, Y}
struct 2/2
It is possible to declare a struct in a local scope (with some restrictions), e.g.
function scope
int f() {
struct A {
int x;
} a;
return a.x;
Anonymous and Unnamed struct
Unnamed struct : a structure without a name, but with an associated type
Anonymous struct : a structure without a name and type
The C++ standard allows unnamed struct but, contrary to C, does not allow
anonymous struct (i.e. without a name)
struct {
int x;
} my_struct; // unnamed struct, ok
struct S {
int x;
struct { int y; }; // anonymous struct, compiler warning with -Wpedantic
}; // -Wpedantic: diagnose use of non-strict ISO C++ extensions
A bitfield is a variable of a structure with a predefined bit width. A bitfield can hold
bits instead bytes
struct S1 {
int b1 : 10; // range [0, 1023]
int b2 : 10; // range [0, 1023]
int b3 : 8; // range [0, 255]
}; // sizeof(S1): 4 bytes
struct S2 {
int b1 : 10;
int : 0; // reset: force the next field
int b2 : 10; // to start at bit 32
}; // sizeof(S2): 8 bytes
Useful to compress different values that have specific ranges (e.g. S1)
"Free" modulo operation 2
(e.g. S1.b1 modulo 2
union 1/2
A union is a special data type that allows to store different data types in the same
memory location
The union is only as big as necessary to hold its largest data member
The union is a kind of “overlapping” storage
union 2/2
union A {
int x;
char y;
}; // sizeof(A): 4
A a;
a.x = 1023; // bits: 00..000001111111111
a.y = 0; // bits: 00..000001100000000
cout << a.x; // print 512 + 256 = 768
NOTE: Little-Endian encoding maps the bytes of a value in memory in the reverse order. y
maps to the last byte of x
Contrary to struct , C++ allows anonymous union (i.e. without a name)
C++17 introduces std::variant to represent a type-safe union
Control Flow
if Statement
The if statement executes the first branch if the specified condition is evaluated to
true , the second branch otherwise
if (<true expression> r| array[-1] == 0)
... // no error!! even though index is -1
// left-to-right evaluation
Ternary operator:
<cond> ? <expression1> : <expression2>
<expression1> and <expression2> must return a value of the same or convertible
int value = (a == b) ? a : (b == c ? b : 3); // nested
for and while Loops
for ([init]; [cond]; [increment]) {
To use when number of iterations is known
while (cond) {
To use when number of iterations is not known
do while
do {
} while (cond);
To use when number of iterations is not known, but there is at least one iteration
for Loop Features and Jump Statements
C++ allows multiple initializations and increments in the declaration:
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 10; i++, k += 2)
Infinite loop:
for (;;) // also while(true);
Jump statements (break, continue, return):
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (<condition>)
break; // exit from the loop
if (<condition>)
continue; // continue with a new iteration and exec. i++
return; // exit from the function
Range-based for Loop 1/3
C++11 introduces the range-based for loop to simplify the verbosity of traditional
for loop constructs. They are equivalent to the for loop operating over a range of
values, but safer
The range-based for loop avoids the user to specify start, end, and increment of the
for (int v : { 3, 2, 1 }) // INITIALIZER LIST
cout << v << " "; // print: 3 2 1
int values[] = { 3, 2, 1 };
for (int v : values) // ARRAY OF VALUES
cout << v << " "; // print: 3 2 1
for (auto c : "abcd") // RAW STRING
cout << c << " "; // print: a b c d
Range-based for Loop 2/3
Range-based for loop can be applied in three cases:
Fixed-size array int array[3] , "abcd"
Branch Initializer List {1, 2, 3}
Any object with begin() and end() methods
std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4};
for (auto x : vec) {
cout << x << ", ";
// print: "1, 2, 3, 4"
int matrix[2][4];
for (auto& row : matrix) {
for (auto element : row)
cout << "@";
cout << "\n";
// print: @@@@
// @@@@
Range-based for Loop 3/3
C++17 extends the concept of range-based loop for structure binding
struct A {
int x;
int y;
A array[] = { {1,2}, {5,6}, {7,1} };
for (auto [x1, y1] : array)
cout << x1 << "," << y1 << " "; // print: 1,2 5,6 7,1
switch 1/2
The switch statement evaluates an expression ( int , char , enum class , enum )
and executes the statement associated with the matching case value
char x = ...
switch (x) {
case 'a': y = 1; break;
default: return -1;
return y;
Switch scope:
int x = 1;
switch (1) {
case 0: int x; // nearest scope
case 1: cout << x; // undefined!!
case 2: { int y; } // ok
// case 3: cout << y; // compile error
switch 2/2
MyEnum x
int y = 0;
switch (x) {
case MyEnum::A: // fall-through
case MyEnum::B: // fall-through
case MyEnum::C: return 0;
default: return -1;
C++17 [[fallthrough]] attribute
char x = ...
switch (x) {
case 'a': x++;
[[fallthrough]]; // C++17: avoid warning
case 'b': return 0;
default: return -1;
Control Flow with Initializing Statement
Control flow with initializing statement aims at simplifying complex actions before
the condition evaluation and restrict the scope of a variable which is visible only in the
control flow body
C++17 introduces if statement with initializer
if (int ret = x + y; ret < 10)
cout << ret;
C++17 introduces switch statement with initializer
switch (auto i = f(); x) {
case 1: return i + x;
C++20 introduces range-for loop statement with initializer
for (int i = 0; auto x : {'A', 'B', 'C'})
cout << i++ << ":" << x << " "; // print: 0:A 1:B 2:C
goto 1/4
When goto could be useful:
bool flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < N && flag; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M && flag; j++) {
if (<condition>)
flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
if (<condition>)
goto LABEL;
goto 2/4
Best solution:
bool my_function(int M, int M) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
if (<condition>)
return false;
return true;
goto 3/4
goto 4/4
Avoid Unused Variable Warning 1/3
Most compilers issue a warning when a variable is unused. There are different
situations where a variable is expected to be unused
// EXAMPLE 1: macro dependency
int f(int value) {
int x = value;
# if defined(ENABLE_SQUARE_PATH)
return x * x;
# else
return 0;
# endif
Avoid Unused Variable Warning
// EXAMPLE 2: constexpr dependency (MSVC)
template<typename T>
int f(T value) {
if constexpr (sizeof(value) >= 4)
return 1;
return 2;
// EXAMPLE 3: decltype dependency (MSVC)
template<typename T>
int g(T value) {
using R = decltype(value);
return R{};
Avoid Unused Variable Warning 3/3
There are different ways to solve the problem depending on the standard used
Before C++17: static_cast<void>(var)
C++17 [[maybe_unused]] attribute
C++26 auto _
[[maybe_unused]] int x = value;
int y = 3;
auto _ = 3;
auto _ = 4; // _ repetition is not an error
void f([[maybe_unused]] int x) {}
The problem: Named entities, such as variables, functions, and compound types declared
outside any block has global scope, meaning that its name/symbol is valid anywhere in
the code
Namespaces allow grouping named entities that otherwise would have global
scope into narrower scopes, giving them namespace scope
Namespaces provide a method for preventing name conflicts in large projects. Symbols
declared inside a namespace block are placed in a named scope that prevents them from
being mistaken for symbols with identical names
Namespace Syntax
namespace [<name>] {
<identifier> // variable, function, struct, type, etc.
} // namespace <name>
<name>::<identifier> // use the identifier
The operator :: is called scope resolution operator and it allows accessing
identifiers that are defined in other namespaces
Namespace Example 1
# include <iostream>
namespace my_namespace1 {
void f() {
std::cout << "my_namespace1" << std::endl;
} // namespace my_namespace1
namespace my_namespace2 {
void f() {
std::cout << "my_namespace2" << std::endl;
} // namespace my_namespace2
int main () {
my_namespace1::f(); // print "my_namespace1"
my_namespace2::f(); // print "my_namespace2"
// f(); // compile error f() is not visible
Namespace - Alternative Syntax
It is also possible to declare entities in a preexisting namespace by adding the name as
a prefix:
namespace <name> {}
# include <iostream>
namespace my_namespace1 {}
void my_namespace2::f() { std::cout << "my_namespace2" << std::endl; }
int main () {
my_namespace1::f(); // print "my_namespace1"
Special Namespaces
All functionalities and data types provided with the standard library (distributed
along with the compiler) are declared within the std namespace
The global namespace can be specified with ::identifier and can be useful to
prevent conflicts with surrounding namespaces
It is also possible to define a namespace without a name. The concept refers to
anonymous (or unnamed) namespace
See "Translation Unit I" lecture for more details
Nested Namespaces
namespace my_namespace1 {
void f() { cout << "my_namespace1::f()"; }
namespace my_namespace2 {
void f() { cout << "my_namespace1::my_namespace2::f()"; }
} // namespace my_namespace2
} // namespace my_namespace1
C++17 allows nested namespace definitions with a less verbose syntax:
namespace my_namespace1::my_namespace2 {
void h();
Explicit Global Namespace
The explicit global namespace syntax ::identifier can be useful to prevent conflicts
with surrounding namespaces
void f() { cout << "global::f()"; }
namespace my_namespace {
void f() { cout << "my_namespace::f()"; }
void g() {
f(); // print "my_namespace::f()"
::f(); // print "global::f()"
} // namespace my_namespace
Namespace Alias
Namespace alias allows declaring an alternate name for an existing namespace
namespace very_long_namespace {
namespace even_longer {
void g() {}
} // namespace even_longer
} // namespace very_long_namespace
namespace ns1 = very_long_namespace::even_longer; // namespace alias
int main() {
namespace ns2 = very_long_namespace::even_longer; // namespace alias
// available only in this scope
using-Declaration 1/2
The using -declaration introduces a specific name/system from a namespace into the
current scope. This is useful for improving code readability and reducing verbosity
The using -declaration is roughly equivalent of declaring the name/system in the
current scope
namespace <name> {
using <name>::<identifier>;
using-Declaration 2/2
namespace my_namespace {
void f() { cout << "my_namespace::f()"; }
struct S {};
using T = int;
} // namespace my_namespace
using my_namespace::f;
using my_namespace::S;
using my_namespace::T;
f(); // print "my_namespace::f()"
S s;
T x;
// struct S {}; // compile error "struct S" already defined by my_namespace::T
using namespace-Directive
The using namespace -directive introduces all the identifiers in a scope without
having to specify them explicitly with the namespace name
Similarly to using -declaration, it is useful for improving code readability and reducing
verbosity. On the other hand, it could make the code bug-prone because of the
complex name lookup rules, especially if coupled with function overloadding
It is generally recommended not to write using namespace , especially at the global
level. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of the namespace
using namespace-Directive
namespace my_namespace {
void f() { cout << "my_namespace::f()"; }
struct S {};
} // namespace my_namespace
int main () {
using namespace my_namespace;
f(); // print "my_namespace::f()"
S s;
using namespace-Directive vs. using-declaration
namespace A { int x = 0; }
namespace B {
int y = 3;
int x = 7;
int main () {
using namespace A;
int x = 3; // ok!! even if it is already defined in my_namespace
using B::y;
// int y = 5; // compiler error!! "y" is already defined in this scope
void f() {
using B::x;
using namespace A;
cout << x; // print 7, B::x has higher priority
using namespace-Directive Transitive Property 1/3
using namespace -directive has the transitive property for its identifiers when used
into another namespace
namespace A {
void f() { cout << "A::f()"; }
namespace B {
using namespace A;
int main() {
using namespace B;
f(); // ok, print "A::f()"
using namespace-Directive Transitive Property
The unqualified name lookup is the mechanism by which the compiler searches for
the declaration of an identifier without using any explicit scope qualifiers like the ::
Unqualified name lookup and using namespace-Directive:
Every name from namespace-name is visible as if it is declared in the nearest
enclosing namespace which contains both the using -directive and namespace-name
using namespace-Directive Transitive Property
namespace A { int i = 0; }
namespace C {
int i = 3;
namespace B {
using namespace A; // unqualified name lookup of A within B:
int x = i; // it is the nearest enclosing namespace which contains
} // namespace B // both A and B -> global namespace
// "int x = i" -> "int x = C::i" because C has higher
} // namespace C // precedence than the global namespace
int main() {
using namespace B;
cout << C::B::x; // print "3"
inline Namespace
inline namespace is a concept similar to library versioning. It is a mechanism that
makes a nested namespace look and act as if all its declarations were in the
surrounding namespace
namespace my_namespace1 {
inline namespace V99 { void f(int) {} } // most recent version
namespace V98 { void f(int) {} }
} // namespace my_namespace1
using namespace my_namespace1;
V98::f(1); // call V98
V99::f(1); // call V99
f(1); // call default version (V99)
C++ Attribute Overview
C++ attributes provide additional information to the compiler to enforce constraints
or enable code optimization
Attributes are annotation on top of standard code that can be applied to functions,
variables, classes, enumerator, types, etc.
C++11 introduces a standardized syntax for attributes: [[my-attribute]]
__attribute__((always_inline)) // < C++11, GCC/Clang/GNU compilers
__forceinline // < C++11, MSVC
[[gnu::always_inline]] // C++11, GCC/Clang/GNU compilers
[[msvc::forceinline]] // C++11, MSVC
In addtion, C++11 and later add standard attributes such as maybe_unused ,
deprecated , and nodiscard
[[nodiscard]] Attribute 1/3
C++17 introduces the attribute [[nodiscard]] to issue a warning if the return
value of a function is discarded (not handled)
C++20 extends the attribute by allowing to add a reason
[[nodiscard]] bool empty();
empty(); // WARNING "discard return value"
C++23 adds the [[nodiscard]] attribute to lambda expressions
auto lambda = [] [[nodiscard]] (){ return 4; };
lambda(); // compiler warning
auto x = lambda(); // ok
[[nodiscard]] Attribute 2/3
[[nodiscard]] can be also be applied to enumerators enum / enum class and
structures struct / class
enum class [[nodiscard]] MyEnum { EnumValue };
struct [[nodiscard]] MyStruct {};
MyEnum f() { return MyEnum::EnumValue; }
MyStruct g() {
MyStruct s;
return s;
f(); // WARNING "discard return value"
g(); // WARNING "discard return value"
[[nodiscard]] Attribute 3/3
[[nodiscard]] can be also be applied to class constructors
MyStruct g() {
[[nodiscard]] MyStruct() {}
[[nodiscard]] MyStruct(const MyStruct&) {}
MyStruct{}; // WARNING "discard return value"
MyStruct s{};
static_cast<MyStruct>(s); // WARNING "discard return value" for
// MyStruct(const MyStruct&)
[[maybe_unused]] Attribute 1/2
[[maybe_unused]] applies to
Structure binding
Functions parameters and return value
Classes and structures
Enumerators and single value enumerators
The limits of [[maybe_unused]]
[[maybe_unused]] Attribute 2/2
[[maybe_unused]] int x1;
[[maybe_unused]] auto [x2, x3] = ...;
[[maybe_unused]] int f([[maybe_unused]] int x4);
struct [[maybe_unused]] S {};
using MyInt [[maybe_unused]] = int;
enum [[maybe_unused]] Enum {
E1 [[maybe_unused]];
enum class [[maybe_unused]] EnumClass {
E2 [[maybe_unused]];
[[deprecated]] Attribute 1/4
C++14 allows to deprecate, namely discourage, use of entities by adding the
[[deprecated]] attribute, optionally with a message
[[deprecated("reason")]] . It applies to:
Classes and structures
Single value enumerator in C++17
[[deprecated]] Attribute 2/4
[[deprecated]] void f() {}
struct [[deprecated]] S1 {};
using MyInt [[deprecated]] = int;
struct S2 {
[[deprecated]] int var = 3;
[[deprecated]] static constexpr int var2 = 4;
f(); // compiler warning
S1 s1; // compiler warning
MyInt i; // compiler warning
S2{}.var; // compiler warning
S2::var2; // compiler warning
[[deprecated]] Attribute and Enumerator 3/4
C++17 allows to deprecate individual enumerator values
enum [[deprecated]] E { EnumValue }; // C++14
enum class MyEnum { A, B [[deprecated]] = 42 }; // C++17
auto x = EnumValue; // compiler warning
MyEnum::B; // compiler warning
[[deprecated]] Attribute and Namespace 4/4
C++17 allows defining attribute on namespaces
namespace [[deprecated("please use my_namespace_v2")]] my_namespace {
void f() {}
} // namespace my_namespace
my_namespace::f(); // compiler warning
[[noreturn]] Attribute
[[noreturn]] indicates that a function does not return (e.g. program termination)
and the compiler should issue a compiler warning if the code contains other statements
that cannot be executed because it means a wrong user intention
[[noreturn]] void g() { std::exit(0); }
g(); // WARNING: no code should be exectuted after calling this function
y = x + 1;