Modern C++
3. Basic Concepts I
Type System, Fundamental Types, and Operators
Federico Busato
Table of Contents
1 The C++ Type System
Type Categories
Type Properties
2 Fundamental Types Overview
Arithmetic Types
Suffix and Prefix
Non-Standard Arithmetic Types
void Type
Table of Contents
3 Conversion Rules
4 auto Keyword
5 C++ Operators
Operators Precedence
Prefix/Postfix Increment/Decrement Semantic
Assignment, Compound, and Comma Operators
Spaceship Operator <=>
Safe Comparison Operators
The C++ Type
The C++ Type System
C++ is a strongly typed and statically typed language
Every entity has a type and that type never changes
Every variable, function, or expression has a type in order to be compiled. Users can
introduce new types with class or struct
The type specifies:
The amount of memory allocated for the variable (or expression result)
The kinds of values that may be stored and how the compiler interprets the bit
patterns in those values
The operations that are permitted for those entities and provides semantics
Type Categories
C++ organizes the language types in two main categories:
Fundamental types (often called primitive types): Types provided by the
language itself and don’t require additional headers
Arithmetic types: integer and floating point
nullptr C++11
Compound types: Composition or references to other types
struct , class , union
Type Properties
C++ types can be also classified based on their properties:
size: sizeof is defined
alignment requirement: alignof is defined
storage duration: describe when an object is allocated and deallocated
lifetime, bounded by storage duration or temporary
value, potentially indeterminate
optionally, a name.
Types: Arithmetic, Pointers and nullptr , Enumerators, Arrays, struct ,
class , union
Type Properties
Hold a single value and is not composed of other objects
Trivially Copyable: can be copied bit for bit
Standard Layout: compatible with C functions and structs
Implicit Lifetime: no user-provided constructor or destructor
Types: Arithmetic, Pointers and nullptr , Enumerators
Trivial types: Trivial default/copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and
destructor Trivially Copyable
Types: Scalar, trivial class types, arrays of such types
Incomplete types: A type that has been declared but not yet defined
Types: void , incompletely-defined object types, e.g. struct A; , array of elements of
incomplete type
C++ Types Summary
Fundamental Types
Arithmetic Types - Integral
Native Type Bytes Range
Fixed width types
bool 1 true, false
1 implementation defined
signed char 1 -128 to 127 int8_t
unsigned char 1 0 to 255 uint8_t
short 2 -2
to 2
-1 int16_t
unsigned short 2 0 to 2
-1 uint16_t
int 4 -2
to 2
-1 int32_t
unsigned int 4 0 to 2
-1 uint32_t
long int 4/8
long unsigned int 4/8
long long int 8 -2
to 2
-1 int64_t
long long unsigned int 8 0 to 2
-1 uint64_t
4 bytes on Windows64 systems,
signed/unsigned, two-complement from C++11
Arithmetic Types - Floating-Point
Native Type IEEE Bytes Range
Fixed width types
C++23 <stdfloat>
(bfloat16) N 2 ±1.18 × 10
to ±3.4 × 10
(float16) Y 2 0.00006 to 65, 536 std::float16_t
float Y 4 ±1.18 × 10
to ±3.4 × 10
double Y 8 ±2.23 × 10
to ±1.8 × 10
Arithmetic Types - Short Name
Signed Type short name
signed char /
signed short int short
signed int int
signed long int long
signed long long int long long
Unsigned Type short name
unsigned char /
unsigned short int unsigned short
unsigned int unsigned
unsigned long int unsigned long
unsigned long long int unsigned long long
Arithmetic Types - Suffix (Literals)
Type SUFFIX Example Notes
int / 2
unsigned int u, U 3u
long int l, L 8L
long unsigned ul, UL 2ul
long long int ll, LL 4ll
long long unsigned int ull, ULL 7ULL
float f, F 3.0f only decimal numbers
double 3.0 only decimal numbers
C++23 Type SUFFIX Example Notes
std::bfloat16_t bf16, BF16 3.0bf16 only decimal numbers
std::float16_t f16, F16 3.0f16 only decimal numbers
std::float32_t f32, F32 3.0f32 only decimal numbers
std::float64_t f64, F64 3.0f64 only decimal numbers
std::float128_t f128, F128 3.0f128 only decimal numbers
Arithmetic Types - Prefix (Literals)
Representation PREFIX Example
Binary C++14 0b 0b010101
Octal 0 0307
Hexadecimal 0x or 0X 0xFFA010
C++14 also allows digit separators for improving the readability 1'000'000
Other Arithmetic Types
C++ also provides long double (no IEEE-754) of size 8/12/16 bytes
depending on the implementation
Reduced precision floating-point supports before C++23:
- Some compilers provide support for half (16-bit floating-point) (GCC for ARM:
__fp16 ,
LLVM compiler: half )
- Some modern CPUs and GPUs provide half instructions
- Software support: OpenGL, Photoshop, Lightroom,
C++ does not provide 128-bit integers even if some architectures support it.
clang and gcc allow 128-bit integers as compiler extension ( __int128 )
void Type
void is an incomplete type (not defined) without a value
void indicates also a function with no return type or no parameters
e.g. void f() , f(void)
In C sizeof(void) == 1 (GCC), while in C++ sizeof(void) does not
int main() {
// sizeof(void); // compile error
nullptr Keyword
C++11 introduces the keyword nullptr to represent a null pointer ( 0x0 ) and
replacing the NULL macro
nullptr is an object of type nullptr_t safer
int* p1 = NULL; // ok, equal to int* p1 = 0l
int* p2 = nullptr; // ok, nullptr is convertible to a pointer
int n1 = NULL; // ok, we are assigning 0 to n1
//int n2 = nullptr; // compile error nullptr is not convertible to an integer
//int* p2 = true ? 0 : nullptr; // compile error incompatible types
Conversion Rules
Conversion Rules
Implicit type conversion rules, applied in order, before any operation:
: any operation (*, +, /, -, %, etc.)
(A) Floating point promotion
floating_type integer_type floating_type
(B) Implicit integer promotion
small_integral_type := any signed/unsigned integral type smaller than int
small_integral_type small_integral_type int
(C) Size promotion
small_type large_type large_type
(D) Sign promotion
signed_type unsigned_type unsigned_type
Examples and Common Errors
float f = 1.0f;
unsigned u = 2;
int i = 3;
short s = 4;
uint8_t c = 5; // unsigned char
f * u; // float × unsigned float: 2.0f
s * c; // short × unsigned char int: 20
u * i; // unsigned × int unsigned: 6u
+c; // unsigned char int: 5
Integers are not floating points!
int b = 7;
float a = b / 2; // a = 3 not 3.5!!
int c = b / 2.0; // again c = 3 not 3.5!!
Implicit Promotion
Integral data types smaller than 32-bit are implicitly promoted to int , independently
if they are signed or unsigned
Unary +, -, and Binary +, -, &, etc. promotion:
char a = 48; // '0'
cout << a; // print '0'
cout << +a; // print '48'
cout << (a + 0); // print '48'
uint8_t a1 = 255;
uint8_t b1 = 255;
cout << (a1 + b1); // print '510' (no overflow)
auto Keyword
auto Keyword 1/3
C++11 The auto keyword specifies that the type of the variable will be automatically
deduced by the compiler (from its initializer)
auto a = 1 + 2; // 1 is int, 2 is int, 1 + 2 is int!
// -> 'a' is "int"
auto b = 1 + 2.0; // 1 is int, 2.0 is double. 1 + 2.0 is double
// -> 'b' is "double"
auto can be very useful for maintainability and for hiding complex type definitions
for (auto i = k; i < size; i++)
On the other hand, it may make the code less readable if excessively used because of
type hiding
Example: auto x = 0; in general makes no sense ( x is int )
auto Keyword - Functions
In C++11/C++14, auto (as well as decltype ) can be used to define function
output types
auto g(int x) -> int { return x * 2; } // C++11
// "-> int" is the deduction type
// a better way to express it is:
auto g2(int x) -> decltype(x * 2) { return x * 2; } // C++11
auto h(int x) { return x * 2; } // C++14
int x = g(3); // C++11
auto Keyword - Functions
In C++20, auto can be also used to define function input
void f(auto x) {}
// equivalent to templates but less expensive at compile-time
f(3); // 'x' is int
f(3.0); // 'x' is double
C++ Operators
Operators Overview
Precedence Operator Description Associativity
1 a++ a– Suffix/postfix increment and decrement Left-to-right
+a -a ++a –a
! not
Plus/minus, Prefix increment/decrement,
Logical/Bitwise Not
3 a*b a/b a%b Multiplication, division, and remainder Left-to-right
4 a+b a-b Addition and subtraction Left-to-right
5 Bitwise left shift and right shift Left-to-right
6 < <= > >= Relational operators Left-to-right
7 == != Equality operators Left-to-right
8 & Bitwise AND Left-to-right
9 ˆ Bitwise XOR Left-to-right
10 | Bitwise OR Left-to-right
11 && and Logical AND Left-to-right
12 || or Logical OR Left-to-right
= += -= *= /= %=
«= »= &= ˆ= |=
Assignment and Compound operators Right-to-left
Operators Precedence 1/2
Operators precedence :
Unary operators have higher precedence than binary operators
Standard math operators (+, *, etc.) have higher precedence than
comparison, bitwise, and logic operators
Bitwise and logic operators have higher precedence than comparison operators
Bitwise operators have higher precedence than logic operators
Compound assignment operators += , -= , *= , /= , %= , ^= , != , &= , »= ,
«= have lower priority
The comma operator has the lowest precedence (see next slides)
Operators Precedence 2/2
a + b * 4; // a + (b * 4)
a * b / c % d; // ((a * b) / c) % d
a + b < 3 >> 4; // (a + b) < (3 >> 4)
a && b && c || d; // (a && b && c) || d
a and b and c or d; // (a && b && c) || d
a | b & c || e && d; // ((a | (b & c)) || (e && d)
Important: sometimes parenthesis can make an expression verbose... but they can
Prefix/Postfix Increment Semantic
Prefix Increment/Decrement ++i , –i
(1) Update the value
(2) Return the new (updated) value
Postfix Increment/Decrement i++ , i–
(1) Save the old value (temporary)
(2) Update the value
(3) Return the old (original) value
Prefix/Postfix increment/decrement semantic applies not only to built-in types but
also to objects
Operation Ordering Undefined Behavior
Expressions with undefined (implementation-defined) behavior:
int i = 0;
i = ++i + 2; // until C++11: undefined behavior
// since C++11: i = 3
i = 0;
i = i++ + 2; // until C++17: undefined behavior
// since C++17: i = 3
f(i = 2, i = 1); // until C++17: undefined behavior
// since C++17: i = 2
i = 0;
a[i] = ++i; // until C++17: undefined behavior
// since C++17: a[1] = 1
f(++i, ++i); // undefined behavior
i = ++i + i++; // undefined behavior
Assignment, Compound, and Comma Operators
Assignment and compound assignment operators have right-to-left associativity
and their expressions return the assigned value
int y = 2;
int x = y = 3; // y=3, then x=3
// the same of x = (y = 3)
if (x = 4) // assign x=4 and evaluate to true
The comma operator
has left-to-right associativity. It evaluates the left expression,
discards its result, and returns the right expression
int a = 5, b = 7;
int x = (3, 4); // discards 3, then x=4
int y = 0;
int z;
z = y, x; // z=y (0), then returns x (4)
Spaceship Operator <=>
C++20 provides the three-way comparison operator <=> , also called spaceship
operator, which allows comparing two objects similarly of strcmp . The operator
returns an object that can be directly compared with a positive, 0, or negative integer
(3 <=> 5) == 0; // false
('a' <=> 'a') == 0; // true
(3 <=> 5) < 0; // true
(7 <=> 5) < 0; // false
The semantic of the spaceship operator can be extended to any object (see next
lectures) and can greatly simplify the comparison operators overloading
Safe Comparison Operators
C++20 introduces a set of functions <utility> to safely compare integers of
different types (signed, unsigned)
bool cmp_equal(T1 a, T2 b)
bool cmp_not_equal(T1 a, T2 b)
bool cmp_less(T1 a, T2 b)
bool cmp_greater(T1 a, T2 b)
bool cmp_less_equal(T1 a, T2 b)
bool cmp_greater_equal(T1 a, T2 b)
# include <utility>
unsigned a = 4;
int b = -3;
bool v1 = (a > b); // false!!!, see next slides
bool v2 = std::cmp_greater(a, b); // true
How to compare signed and unsigned integers in C++20?