Federico Busato

Accelerating Sparse Linear Algebra at NVIDIA
Senior Software Engineer, IC5


I’m a Software Engineer at NVIDIA in Santa Clara, US (headquarter). I work in the CUDA HPC Math Library team and have been leading the Sparse Linear Algebra group for the past 6 years.

My interests outside sparse linear algebra include parallel computing, software optimization, and graph algorithms. I am also passionate about programming and software engineering, primarily in C++.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Verona, working on graph algorithms on GPUs. I spent some months as a visiting scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the group of David Bader and I did an internship at NVIDIA.

I taught C++ professionally for 5 years in undergraduate and graduate courses. I maintain an open-access C++ course. My little dream is to go back to teaching at a university in the Bay Area.

Please feel free to contact me via email with any questions, ideas, or proposals for collaboration.

Please refer to the resume section for details about my career path, experience, and extracurricular activities.


Aug, 2024 📝 Published the paper “GPU-Accelerated BFS for Dynamic Networks” in the International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar) 2024
Jul, 2024 🆕 cuSPARSELt 0.6.2 has been released with Orin support and small matrices optimizations
May, 2024 🆕 cuSPARSELt 0.6.1 has been released with a few bug fixes
Mar, 2024 🆕 cuSPARSELt 0.6.0 has been released with support to NVIDIA Hopper and FP8
Nov, 2023 🆕 cuDSS, a high-performance CUDA Library for Direct Sparse Solvers, has been released.
Nov, 2023 Representing NVIDIA in the design of the new SparseBLAS standard
Nov, 2023 🆕 NVPL Sparse, a CPU-Accelerated Sparse Linear Algebra library for NVIDIA Arm-64 Grace, has been released.
Sep, 2023 📝 Published the paper “FAST-CON: a Multi-source Approach for Efficient S- T Connectivity on Sparse Graphs” in IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)
Jun, 2023 Stop working as lead engineer of cuSPARSE/Lt and start focusing on two new confidential projects 🔐

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